SBS 2003 -> SBS 2008 Migration

Posted by bb on Tuesday 15th of June 2010 at 10:16 am;.
Filed Under IT Tipz & Trix 

Long time no post!

Thought I would update my blog with some hints and tips for some problems I hit in a recent client migration from SBS 2003 -> SBS 2008.

Following the Microsoft tech document everything went smoothly until I needed to recreate the old companyweb.

stsadm -o export -url http://OldCompanyWeb -filename cweb.bak -includeusersecurity completes with no errors

[6/14/2010 12:09:49 PM]: Progress: Export Completed.
[6/14/2010 12:09:49 PM]: Finish Time: 6/14/2010 12:09:49 PM.
[6/14/2010 12:09:49 PM]: Completed with 0 warnings.
[6/14/2010 12:09:49 PM]: Completed with 0 errors.

Though I do notice the following in the log file :

[6/14/2010 12:09:10 PM]: Debug: Security check failed in OnListItemExport

The actual site http://OldCompanyWeb looks and runs just fine

When issuing the stsadm -o import -url http://companyweb -filename cweb.bak -includeusersecurity I get the following errors

Multiple instances of :
[6/14/2010 1:30:09 PM]: Debug: Security check failed in OnUserGroupExport
[6/14/2010 1:30:10 PM]: Warning: The specified user could not be found.
*** Inner exception:
User cannot be found.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUserCollection.FindUserSID(String strSearchText)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUserCollection.GetBySID(String strSid)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUserCollection.GetBySID(Byte[] byteSid)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SecurityObjectSerializer.ResolveUser(ImportStreamingContext context, SPWeb web, Byte[] sid, Int32& idUser)
[6/14/2010 1:30:10 PM]: Debug: Security check failed in OnUserGroupExport
[6/14/2010 1:30:10 PM]: Warning: The specified user could not be found.
*** Inner exception:

and at the end

[6/14/2010 1:34:50 PM]: Progress: Importing Role Assignment for _catalogs/users.
[6/14/2010 1:34:51 PM]: FatalError: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleUnauthorizedAccessException(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.ResetSecurityScope(String bstrUrl, UInt32 dwObjectType, String bstrObjUrl, Guid guidDoc, Boolean bUnique, Boolean bCopyRoleAssignments, Guid& pguidScopeId, Int32& piError)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.RoleAssignmentsImport.ProcessComplexElement(ImportStreamingContext context, XmlReader xr, SqlSession session)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SqlBatchImport.Run()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SecurityObjectSerializer.SetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.ParseObjectDirect(Object objParent, Type objectType)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.DeserializeObject(Type objectType, Boolean isChildObject, DeploymentObject envelope)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ObjectSerializer.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ImportObjectManager.ProcessObject(XmlReader xmlReader)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.DeserializeObjects()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.Run()
[6/14/2010 1:34:51 PM]: Progress: Import Completed.
[6/14/2010 1:34:51 PM]: Finish Time: 6/14/2010 1:34:51 PM.
[6/14/2010 1:34:51 PM]: Completed with 18 warnings.
[6/14/2010 1:34:51 PM]: Completed with 1 errors.

Turns out that the account I was using (one created with full admin rights as the deployment document states that it is recommended that you create a new administrator account on the Source Server for migration instead of using the built-in Administrator account) did not have the correct permissions to do this.

Even though I used the ‘Run as’ option to run the command prompt as administrator :/

Logging on as a different user (in my case using the built in Administrator account) solved all the above issues.

Hope it helps someone

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One Response to “SBS 2003 -> SBS 2008 Migration”

  1. Rince on November 2nd, 2010 12:14 am

    Had the same issue, found out what it is, you need the “Administrative Templates” user group added to the new user you made.

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