Jerky Mouse in Windows 2008 R2 under ESXi4.1

Filed Under IT Tipz & Trix

The laggy mouse issue seems quite common and after a bit of Googling I have found a solution that worked perfectly, at least for me.

It’s a simple video card driver upgrade!

    If you go Start -> Right Click on My Computer -> Manage and under Diagnostics you find the Device Manager.

    Scroll down to Display Adapters and expand the selection so that you can see the currently installed adapter. Right Click and go to Update Driver Software.

    Select ‘Broswe my computer for driver software’ and navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\VMWare\Drivers\wddm_video folder

    Update the driver and reboot!

Everything is now fixed 🙂

Hopefully this will help anyone else who is having poor mouse performance in Windows 2008 R2 under ESXi4.1 – it is no fun using vSphere to work on a VM with a horrible, jerky, jumpy, laggy mouse!