Sage Part III

Posted by bb on Monday 13th of July 2009 at 8:00 am;.
Filed Under Misc, News 

Fair play to Ed Tysoe, he follows up on the issues! I want to publically say thanks to him for sticking with the subject.

Purchases of ACT! (and other Sage programs) include a 45-day warranty. During this period, you’re covered for support with everything – installation, setup, customisation, and more general ‘How do I use..?’ queries.

Also, any issues raised during that warranty period we’ll continue to support for as long as they take to resolve – so if something happens on the 44th day, we’ll carry on supporting that particular issue until it’s resolved.

After that time, though, in the absence of an ongoing SageCover agreement, we do offer help only with the raw installation and registration of the software. Setup of specific program features (e.g. networking, synchronisation, dialler) are not covered.

On this occasion, we’d be happy to provide support for this particular incident, but I would need your account details to record on the account that we’d offered that support.

Assuring you of our best attention at all times.

Kind regards

Ed Tysoe
ACT! Technical Support
Sage (UK) Ltd

Well, I guess I’ll email him back with our details and see what happens. I’m sure you’ll understand if I don’t paste my reply to him verbatim!

I did email Ed back and mentioned the following – ‘What I don’t understand is why you limit it to 45 days on a multi-user install. If I am setting up an office, and expect to grow that office in the immediate future (next 3 months say), I may have unused licenses that remain uninstalled after 45 days. Maybe all the staff haven’t been employed, maybe we are waiting on hardware, maybe our expansion is behind schedule. There are a myriad of reasons for this. So when we install for a new user, on a license we purchased, if our intial install was over 45 days ago … what happens? We’re out of luck?

Are we meant to purchase the software single user license by single user license to be assured that we can actually get it installed? Is it pointless purchasing multi user licenses with a view to the future?’

You know what, I actually think I’ll get a reply from Ed – he is doing a good job of restoring my faith in support, if not Sage as yet. For that we’ll see how they deal with the actual support call when it goes in.

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2 Responses to “Sage Part III”

  1. Lori Feldman on July 13th, 2009 1:22 pm

    As a long-time ACT Consultant, this is a rant I hear a lot about Sage because of its limited support. With a new ACT upgrade release coming out this fall (in the US), they’ve gotten much more responsive lately, so I hope that solves your problem. We ACT Consultants are a bit more sensitive to the customer experience, and we also sell the software. You may want to cozy up to one of us as backup, as we’re designed to be much more flexible (and in many cases have much more real-world experience) than Sage corporate. Best of luck, and please email me directly if I can help.

  2. bb on July 14th, 2009 9:52 am

    Thanks for replying Lori – its nice to know that I am not alone in suffering at the hands of Sage Corporate Firstline Support.

    Solid advice as well – sometimes support is available from alternative sources rather than going directly to the manufacturer.

    Fortunately it looks like Sage will be supporting this issue, for me at least, now – so hopefully we can get it resolved. I will try and post the solution for others.

    Thanks again Lori – and good luck over at 🙂

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